


Good day, we write from Rentolog Technology Ltd concerning how you can increase revenue with existing innovation alternatives . 

We have a proposal that will reduce the dangers of fossil fuels in our environment and help attain a clean energy scheme. Rentolog Technology Ltd seeks to franchise with your great company and also get access to using your manufacturing plant to produce our prototype.

The world is currently in high demand for better alternatives that can help drive them towards climate control . We believe that it is a better time to franchise with our company, Rentolog Technology Ltd because:

a. It can help grow your company toward the Africa region, especially large markets like Nigeria, South Africa etc.

b. It can help you make capital revenue by solving a major global problem on climate change.

c. It can help you drive toward becoming a major innovation in the automotive industry.

We came up with an idea to construct the hydropower dam into a small portable device called Rentolog electric water technology (REWT). 

Other innovative device that can also help advance your automotive industry include:

a. Agric base battery: This device works in the same way plants trap sunlight, but in this case, the battery will trap electric charges.

b. 5 phase induction motor 

c. Air-conditioning with air freshener installed.

d. RT model 1

These are financial benefits that your great company will benefit if you franchise with us.

a. For every product of ours produced through your industrial plant and sold in the market , 30% will go to Rentolog Technology ltd and 70% will be for your company.

We also want to inform you that those innovative world changing ideas did not come from Rentolog Technology Ltd teams and experts but came directly from God.

These are the reason you should franchise with Rentolog Technology Ltd :

In Rentolog Technology Ltd we have four core values we cherish so much, which are:

a. Commitment.

b. Transparency and integrity.

c. Cooperation and unity.

d. Visionary and fear of God.

For further information about the company and what we do, is sited in the company website@ 

 contact: +2349030336750

Thanks for your cooperation. 


Lastly, We want to use this opportunity to thank God for privileges to tell you that Jesus loves you.



Onyeka Ojugbani



lawrence onyeka ojugbani ret
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